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After waiting long enough, eventually the case was decided Ariel P21 as well. Finally, vocalist Peter it must be ready to stand trial. According to the Aga Khan, the lawyer, Ariel was ready to face trial.

"Ariel must be ready to face trial. It's already the process. We, the team lawyer, is also ready to escort the Ariel to complete the trial later. We want a prosecutor should not further delay to the trial," said the Aga when contacted by phone, Monday (25 / 10).

When mentioned about the plan of Ariel to confess, the Aga declined comment. According to him, it is a personal right of the lover Luna Maya.

"Would you admit it or not, it's Ariel and not a matter of privacy case.'ll Follow the trial process. Optimistic or not a secret that we as legal counsel Ariel because Ariel is ready and mentally strong," said Aga

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